22,000 Homes powered
250 Construction jobs created
26,000 hours with zero lost-time incidents
The Details
High River Energy Center is a 90 MW solar farm that is being constructed in the town of Florida, New York. In total, the project area encompasses nearly 600 acres of disturbance. The Wesson Group acted as the civil contractor during this project, responsible to allow follow-on solar construction to be able to take place successfully.
Scope of Work
Laydown area construction
Access road construction (6.5 miles)
Mass earthwork throughout the site
Installation of all erosion & sediment control features, including 30 miles of silt fence.
Installation of all drainage features and infrastructure including box culverts, CMP culverts, water crossings, and swales throughout the site
The Challenge
The Wesson Group was the first contractor onsite to have its scope of work completed, in order to allow the remainder of the facility to be constructed. As a result, The Wesson Group had aggressive schedule requirements. Each schedule milestone was met and allowed for all follow-on work to be progressed with no interruptions.
The Result
The Wesson Group amassed 26,000 man-hours onsite without a lost time incident. The Wesson Group worked with a high level of efficiency to accomplish all the work scopes within the time requirement provided. At times, The Wesson Group had upwards of 50 employees onsite with nearly 70 pieces of equipment including bulldozers, excavators, and a complement of scrapers.
The Wesson Group worked efficiently to ensure that the other contractors with major scopes onsite were not being delayed due to The Wesson Group earthwork operations. This allowed us to service the project owner to the highest extent possible by allowing them to begin follow-on work on time or ahead of schedule.